Satsang with Baba. The inspiration of the Guru, the gift of life Chanted by Baba Muktananda and group, this recording is part of the now out-of-print Group Shiva Mahimnah Stotram, which was sung every evening in Baba's time. Recording © SYDA. Images generously donated from private collections. Early images of Baba by kind courtesy of the Gadekar family. Sadgurunath Maharaj ki Jai! I found this by chance on Pinterest this morning. Listening and looking at Muktananda sent me into the most ecstatic state immediately. I felt the Shakti pulsing though my whole body like electrical waves. I was permeated with the blue of Krishna, the blue of Consciousness. Then my dog called on me to go out so I took my energy out there with me. I found myself running with my wellingtons on up and down the park chanting Kare Krishna at the top of my voice and filled with joy. I have not run so much or so fast in many years. I could keep up with Oscar. How can Baba have this effect down forty years of being deceased? Krisna Das is the most w...