Satsang with Baba. The inspiration of the Guru, the gift of life

Chanted by Baba Muktananda and group, this recording is part of the now out-of-print Group Shiva Mahimnah Stotram, which was sung every evening in Baba's time. Recording © SYDA. Images generously donated from private collections. Early images of Baba by kind courtesy of the Gadekar family. Sadgurunath Maharaj ki Jai!

I found this by chance on Pinterest this morning.

Listening and looking at Muktananda sent me into the most ecstatic state immediately.

I felt the Shakti pulsing though my whole body like electrical waves. I was permeated with the blue of Krishna, the blue of Consciousness.

Then my dog called on me to go out so I took my energy out there with me.

I found myself running with my wellingtons on up and down the park chanting Kare Krishna at the top of my voice and filled with joy.

I have not run so much or so fast in many years. I could keep up with Oscar.

How can Baba have this effect down forty years of being deceased?

Krisna Das is the most wonderful singer, and his voice is full of Shakti.

But Baba's old tuneless gurgle has infinitely more power in it to transform and inspire.

This makes no sense, but it is true none-the-less. 

And I forgot to put on my glasses.  Who needs glasses when you can see into the heart of things?

It reminds me of a dream I had where I was high on a steep mountain and began to run down the face of it. It was not all that steep but I could run with infinite ease and grace as if I was flying. It was a wonderful ecstatic feeling. 

This morning was rather like that for a while. 

I just had to write this  down and share it


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