
We are unbounded

Slept badly. Woke very early. Meditated for a while but have lost that experience. Went out with Oscar about 6.30 and returned an hour later. Meditating again, a most unusual experience. Now I have a much better sense of what happened to Chiltern Pierce and others going off to the desert with Shamen. The Spanda came quick and strong but then shifts began to happen Te centre of my awarenss shifted from my head to my heart again . Then I lost all boundaries. I have risen and showered and cold showered and am still in an odd state. I have a whole different understanding of what they call a skin bounded ego. These kind of experiences are coming on the back of reading the spanda sutras, not to mention Chopra videos. For an hour I was aware of a pressure on the top of my head and a cramp in my gut but otherwise I did not have my body. I am losing the ability to frame this in words. I remember thinking of the Druids Light Body, but was this a body made of light or just a lighter ...

Satsang with Baba. The inspiration of the Guru, the gift of life

Image Chanted by Baba Muktananda and group, this recording is part of the now out-of-print Group Shiva Mahimnah Stotram, which was sung every evening in Baba's time. Recording © SYDA. Images generously donated from private collections. Early images of Baba by kind courtesy of the Gadekar family. Sadgurunath Maharaj ki Jai! I found this by chance on Pinterest this morning. Listening and looking at Muktananda sent me into the most ecstatic state immediately. I felt the Shakti pulsing though my whole body like electrical waves. I was permeated with the blue of Krishna, the blue of Consciousness. Then my dog called on me to go out so I took my energy out there with me. I found myself running with my wellingtons on up and down the park chanting Kare Krishna at the top of my voice and filled with joy. I have not run so much or so fast in many years. I could keep up with Oscar. How can Baba have this effect down forty years of being deceased? Krisna Das is the most w...

Meditation on the heart

I was asked to teach a meditation session on Lucy Pattinson's "Who am I?" course this week It was a meditation on the Heart Chakra. You can find more about it on my other weblog where I share the professional aspects of my work, while sharing personal experiences here. I am exploring mandalas at the moment. One of my teachers, CG Jung, when going through a hard time in his own spiritual development used to sit in mediation on a number of mandalas to settle his mind, which was generating all kinds of strange things. I find the image above powerful, though not technically a Heart Chakra image, as there are eight points at the centre and not two crossed triangles creating six points as in the Heart Chakra image below. I shared with the students that my own teacher, Muktananda, considered the consciousness of the individual soul, the Jiva or ego self is seated in the heart rather than the head, as we are taught by modern western p...

Deeper Mindfulness: Science and the near death experience

Deeper Mindfulness: Science and the near death experience : To see infinity in a wild flower When you are teaching A level psychology you find "Near Death Experience" in the chapter on anoma...

Introduction to lesson 2 of the deeper mindfulness course


For the elders
